Friday, March 7, 2008

Federation time

Ok so tonight is when the federations kick off and I am really looking forward to it. The Federations seem to serve two functions (Please refer to Bladesman's blog for more detail about feds) the first is to generate money for your team as the federation gives you a daily payment, which will mean I can go shopping again! There is also prize money dependent on finishing positions. Within the Federation there is also a cup. If you can win your federations cup or main league then I think you qualify for inter-federation comps (think UEFA cup and Champions league). The second point of the federation is to help build up some nice rivalries. Playing in random friendlies or random comps is fun, but the federation is more constant, stable and therefore feels more important (which it is in terms of ranking points). So competing against a few familiar faces for the life of the Beta for me is quite an interesting concept. I must point out that once you join a federation then you do not have to stay indefinitely at the end of the season you can choose to remain or apply to join another federation (which may or may not be accepted).

Ok is I am part of the Early Evening Football Association (EEFA) and this means that I am expected to be online between the times of 5:30pm and 8:30pm to play federation matches. I think you can play fed matches at anytime, but committing yourself to being on the game at these times (though no ness everyday) means that you should be able to find your opponents.

The structure of the EEFA is like this there is a premier league and then three division 1 (1a, 1b, 1c) like a mini pyramid structure. The Premier league will have 23 teams although the bottom 6 will be relegated (meaning every season 6 teams go down and 2 teams from each of the division 1's will be promoted.

However as this is the first season of the federation in GW6 we will not enter that league structure until season 2. For now the EEFA has been spit into 4 qualification leagues with 17 teams in each. I think the leagues were seeded to make the leagues as even as possible. From what I gather your finishing position in the qualification league will determine whether you start season two in the premier league or 1 of the div 1's.

I have been drawn into qualification league 3 (screen shot 1) and here are my fellow teams (screen shot 2). I have ordered the teams by their rank so this is the in theory the best prediction I have of were the teams might finish, though because the game world is so young (week 2) the rankings should not be taken to seriously they have yet to stabilise (the end of season 1 ranks will be a truer reflection of peoples positions). So this is it I don't know any of the teams I am up against but am looking forward to the challenge, I do not intent to match reports for every game I play in the fed as it is not like having a conventional fixture list so I may end up playing 3 or 4 fed games in a day then nothing for another 2 or 3 days, I post my progress on here with a few post match screen shots though I doubt I will be posting everyday (I will try to post at least once or twice a week).

If there is anything you would like me to talk about then please comment on the blog and leave a suggestion and I will see what I can do.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

nice blog, im joining fml soon and your explanation of federations really helped

so really for example the FA and UEFA are merged into a FA/Federation rather than being seperate and there will be UEFA vs Oceania and South America in the Inter-Fed Comps, sounds cool